Venue Checklist Template

Venue Checklist: Smart Tool for Successful Event Planning

Many issues make holding an event becomes quite difficult. One of the issues is finding the right venue. Without a venue suitable for the event you are about to hold, the event itself would not be as successful. An event planner must always prepare a venue checklist to ensure that every part needed by the event can be accommodated by its venue.

Sample Printable Venue Checklist

Venue Checklist Types

Here are some types of checklist available on this page.

  1. Location’s safety

The first checklist is prepared to inspect the safety of a location. It might be related to the building’s integrity such as its maximum capacity. Plumbing and electricity systems are possibly included in the checklist too. Venue’s disaster preparedness (including emergency exits) is often mentioned in such a list as well.

  1. Event components checklist

At times the venue checklist is related to the event aspects. As an example, the checklist may contain a stage, sound system, and monitor console for a concert event. In a wedding event, the list may include band, catering service, and decoration.

  1. Facilities checklist

Facilities provided in a venue need to undergo inspection once in a while too. The facilities include bathrooms, cooling systems, internet connection (if any), sound system, et cetera. This list is often used to check whether each facility is ready to be used and how well it functions.

  1. Maintenance checklist

For maintenance purposes, a venue may need to prepare a checklist. This checklist will show information about parts that need to receive maintenance work and the last time those aspects being taken care of. This list makes sure that the venue would always be at its top condition.

Venue Checklist Guidelines

Take a look at the following guidelines for filling in the venue checklist.

  1. Staying within the client’s budget range

When an event organizer is trying to choose a venue, it is important to always be considerate of the client’s budget range. The venue size and its facilities would determine its price. Thus, most of the time, compromising has to be done.

  1. Continuously reviewing the number of attendees

Any event organizer should know that knowing the exact number of attendees count is important. That way, it would be easier to allocate the right volume of services for attendees. As an example, if conference attendees are 360 people, the organizer should not only prepare a catering service for 300 people.

  1. Considering the main theme of the event

The venue chosen should always match the main theme of the event being held. It would be awkward to host a scientific conference in a barn but would be less so for a wedding, as an example.

  1. Listing all the activities that would be done

It is also important to list all the activities that will be done in an event. This step would ensure that a venue can handle all of the event’s proceedings.

Venue Checklist Policy Considerations

The event organizer should always take into account the policies of a venue. It would be beneficial for the venue owner and organizer to meet up and discuss this issue together. That way, there will not be any breach of policy and the event can be held successfully.

Sample Club Event Venue Checklist

Venue Checklist Templates

Anyone who is looking for a great venue checklist to help with event organizing tasks should visit this page. There are various templates offered for free. They are downloadable and easy to edit.  

Sample Sample Venue Resource Checklist Sample Venue Inspection Checklist Sample Venue Requirement Checklist Sample Wedding Venue Checklist Template

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